Oley Valley School District Mission & Vision Statements

6 months ago

Mission Statement

Enter to Learn…Leave to Serve.

Vision Statement

The Oley Valley School District commits to providing a learning environment that integrates its heritage and community while developing lifelong learners who are prepared for an ever-changing world.  The district commits to the characteristics of 21st Century High Performing Educational Systems which include a clear and shared focus; high standards and expectations; effective district leadership at all levels; high levels of collaboration and communication; 21st Century Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Aligned with 21st Century Standards; frequent monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning; focused professional development; safe, supportive, and nurturing learning environment; and high levels of community and parent involvement.  The Oley Valley School District also commits to embracing diversity and individuality within the context of mutual respect and understanding to empower our students to become responsible, contributing citizens in a global society

Resources for Talking to Children About School Violence

6 months ago

Resources for Talking to Children About School Violence

  • Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers – This article provides information for parents and teachers to support discussions surrounding school violence.  Several key points for discussion and emphasis are listed.  Please note the emphasis on limiting television viewing of the events.  Information shared in the media indicates graphic footage of the recent shooting in Florida is available on social media outlets.  Thus, monitoring of social media is also an important factor to consider as viewing such images may put students at risk for trauma or psychological distress.  In addition, an infographic summarizing this article is also attached that supports the key points in the article.  A Spanish translation is also attached.  Additional translated documents are available on the NASP website if you scroll the bottom left of the page.  http://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources/school-safety-and-crisis/talking-to-children-about-violence-tips-for-parents-and-teachers 


  • Managing Strong Emotional Reactions to Traumatic Events:  Tips for Families and Teachers:  This article provides an overview of common reactions to trauma, anger responses and coping strategies, and warning signs for serious emotional trauma.  Children who have suffered trauma previously may have stronger reactions to such events and show more significant signs of distress.



Pennsylvania CHIP

6 months ago

Children's Health Insurance Program

 CHIP covers uninsured children and teens up to age 19 - and no family earns too much to qualify.  With nearly 128,000 uninsured children in Pennsylvania, this is great news for families!

CHIP provides quality, comprehensive health insurance for routine doctor's visits, prescriptions, dental, eye care, eyeglasses, mental health and much more.  CHIP covers uninsured kids who are not eligible for Medical Assistance.  For many families, CHIP is free - for others, it is low cost.

Learn more at www.CHIPcoversPAkids.com and through the resources linked below.