
Additional Health Services/School Nurse information can be found from the Distrcit Home Page → Schools → Choose your childs school building → School Information → Nurses Office

OVSD School Nurses Welcome!

High School

The High School Nurses office is Open from 7:15 A.M to 2:45 P.M. Monday through Friday during the regular school year.

Mrs. Holly Stutzman Certified School Nurse

Phone-610-987-4100 Ext. 6009


Middle School

The Middle School Nurses Office is Open from 7:15 A.M. to 2:45 P.M. Monday through Friday during the regular school year.

Mrs. Marissa Wilczynski Certified School Nurse

Phone-610-987-4100 Ext. 4306

Elementary School

The Elementary School Nurses Office is Open from 8:30 A.M to 3:45 P.M. Monday through Friday during the regular school year.

MaryBeth Fronheiser Certified School Nurse

Phone-610-987-4100 Ext. 2095

New Students/ Required Health Information

Welcome to the Oley Valley School District!

Please provide a copy of a recent Physical Exam completed by Physician/Pediatrician/Primary Care Provider.

Physical Form

Please provide a copy of a recent Dental Exam completed by Dentist.

Dental Form

Your child must be up to date on all immunizations for entry.

Please submit a copy of your child's current immunization record at registration. A copy of your child's immunization record can be obtained from his/her previous school district or his/her Primary Care Provider.

The school nurse will review the immunization record and make you aware if any immunization doses are missing.

Please see link for Pennsylvania School Immunization Requirements: PA School Immunization Requirements

For High School/Middle School Students, please complete the MS/HS Health Form: MS/HS Health Form

In the event your child becomes ill or has an accident at school, it is important that school has your contact information. If you are not available, it is important that you designate someone who will come to school for your child.

OVSD Health Services

The school nurse provides initial first aid care for students injured in school and care for others who may develop minor illnesses while at school. All students in sixth through twelfth grade must present a hall pass signed by their teacher for admission to the Health Room, except in cases of an emergency. If an ill or injured student needs transportation to go home, it is the parent of guardians responsibility. Parents/guardians will be notified of conditions that might need further evaluation. The school nurse does not render services for injuries that happened at home or for conditions that the student acquired away from school.

As required by the School Health Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, all students receive growth and vision screenings each year.

  • Hearing screenings are performed annually in kindergarten through third grades, in seventh grade, eleventh grade, and on students with known hearing concerns.

  • Scoliosis screenings are required for students in sixth and seventh grades.

  • Physical exams are required on entry or in first grade, as well as in sixth and eleventh grades.

  • Dental exams are required on entry or in first grade, as well as third and eleventh grades.

Medical and dental exams may be performed by the family doctor or dentist and recorded on the appropriate school provided forms, which then become part of your childs school health record; or these exams may be performed at school by the school doctor or dentist at no charge.

Health Services/Nursing Reminder

Physical exams, dental exams, and updated immunizations will be due by the first day of the current school year.

  • Physical exam forms are needed for Kindergarten, Grade 6, and Grade 11 students. We will take whatever form your provider completes, or families may use the State Heath form.
  • Proof of Dental exam are needed for Kindergarten, Grade 3, and Grade 7.
  • All students need up-to-date immunizations OR a plan to have them completed, (i.e. a confirmed appointment) by the FIRST day of school.
  • This especially affects Kindergarten, Grade 7, and Grade 12 students who are due for specific immunizations when entering these grades. Failure to complete the State required immunizations will exclude students from attending school.

The Immunization Law in Pennsylvania requires that all students have required immunizations by the first day of school. To view these requirements, visit the following link: Pennsylvania Department of Health website.

Any student who needs a medication or nursing procedure during the school day or at school activities must have new orders from their health care provider for each school year.

For Physical Exam document please visit the following link: Physical Examination Documents

For Dental Exam document please visit the following link: Dental Examination Documents

Student Allergy Information

Students with allergies are permitted food substitutes only when supported by a "Medical Plan of Care" that was completed and signed by a medical authority and a parent/guardian. A recognized medical authority may be a doctor or a physician's assistant. Since most allergies continue, it is not necessary for a new statement to be secured each year. Someone from the district will call you to confirm student allergies annually.

Please find the Medical Plan of Care here or on the district food service department website. Once completed, please return to your student's school nurse. The form will be processed, and you will be notified if additional information is needed. Once accepted, you will be notified that the food allergy is listed on the Point of Sale. Please do not assume the food service staff is restricting your student's food choices until you have confirmation that the allergy is listed on the Point of Sale.

Additional resource links below :

PDE Special Dietary Needs

Allergy Procedures

Medical Plan of Care


Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening

As required by the School Health Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, students will have their height and weight measured, and then used to calculate their body mass index (BMI). BMI is a screening tool used as a guideline to help assess whether a child's weight is appropriate for their height and age. This screening will take place during the school year. to view your child's health screening data, log into the infinite Campus Parent Portal and access the Message Center Inbox.

Emergency Card/Health Form

Completed emergency cards are kept for each student and updated annually. In the event your child has had an accident or becomes ill and you are not available, it is important that you designate someone who will come to school for your child.

HS/MS Emergency card/ Health Form

For the High School and the Middle School the Emergency Card/Health Form should be completed online: HS/MS Health Form

Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA)

A school Nurse or school physician can discuss protected health information about a student with a community health care provider without the authorization of the students parents.

Epinephrine Opt Out

The Pennsylvania Public School Code, Section 1414.2(g) allows parents/guardians to request an exemption to the administration of an epinephrine auto-injector for their student. In order to request this exemption, contact the school nurse to make an appointment to discuss this decision, review and sign the opt-out form.

Naloxone Administration

As a means of enhancing the health and safety of the Oley Valley School District students, staff, and visitors, the District has adopted Policy 149, Naloxone. This policy serves to assist a student or other individual believed or suspected to be experiencing an opioid overdose. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a medication that can reverse the respiratory depression that usually is the cause of overdose deaths. This medication has been prescribed by the Oley Valley School District Physician for emergency use by trained district personnel.

Medication Administration at School

Every attempt should be made to schedule medication dosages outside of school hours; but when medication must be administered in school, the written consent of a parent/Guardian and a signed form from a licensed Prescriber are required, including the students' name, name of the medication, time of administration, and dosage. A "Request to Administer Medication at School" form is below.

Request to Administer Medication at School

Medication orders must be updated at the beginning of each school year and as needed throughout the school year when changes occur. All medication, prescription and over-the-counter, is stored and administered by the Certified School Nurse or Licensed School Heath Personnel. It is the responsibility of the student to report to the nurse's office for the medication at the prescribed time. Medication must be delivered to the School Nurse, Licensed School Heat Personnel, or the Main Office Staff by a parent/guardian or their adult designee in the original prescription bottle or container with a readable label containing the name of the medication, dosage, date, and students name, matching the prescribers order.

for short-term medication, only send enough for that day or to cover the term of administration. for long-term medications, please contact the School Nurse. Most pharmacies will provide an extra properly labeled container for school if requested. Parents/Guardians or their adult designee must pick up medications to take home within 3 business days of the end of the administration period or the medication will be discarded. No medication will be sent home with a student.

Students with asthma and allergies will be permitted to possess and self-administer their asthma inhaler and or Epinephrine Auto-injector if an allergy or asthma emergency occurs in school, with written permission from their Healthcare Provider, Parent/Guardian, and the School Nurse in accordance with school district policy. Students must demonstrate the capability of proper self-administration and responsible behavior; assuring that medication availability is restricted from other students.

This permission is granted only to assure immediate access to this emergency medication in order to prevent a life-threatening crisis and not for the convenience of daily administration. contact the School Nurse for details.


With respect to "multiple dose vaccinations," your child must have at least one dose of each required vaccine to be permitted to attend school. Your child may then be provisionally admitted for a 5 school-day period if he/she receives the final dose within 5 school days of their first day of attendance.

A copy of your childs immunization record must also be submitted on or before the 5th day of school as proof of immunization. If the next dose of vaccine series is not medically appropriate for the "within the 5-school-day period" and you submit a medical plan with dates of scheduled remaining doses signed by your childs Health care Provider or Local Health Department, your child may be provisionally admitted to school, as long as he/she adheres to that immunization schedule.

Sunscreen Policy

In October 2018, the Pennsylvania School Code was amended to include Section 1414.10 which states that a school entity shall allow the application of sunscreen during school hours if:

  1. The product is approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

  2. The parent/guardian submits a form allowing the student to use the topical, non-aerosol sunscreen.

  3. The student submits a form stating that they are aware of the proper use and safety precautions of the product and will handle it appropriately.

It is highly recommended for Elementary students that sunscreen be applied at home prior to school for field trips and field days. However, if parents/guardians wish for students to have and self-apply sunscreen, forms must be completed. A new form is required when a student moves to a new building.

Sunscreen Form